CReAM Workshop Regional Inequality, 30 October 2023, Friends House, London 

Warwick-UCL Workshop Women in Academia, 23 May 2023, Friends House, London 

British Academy Conference Technology and the Future of Labour: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, 24-25 March 2022, The British Academy, London

CReAM Seminar in Applied Economics, Mondays, 4-5.15pm, UCL


Associate Professor of Economics, University College London


Labor Economics, Personnel Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Economic Development


The Rise of China and the Global Production of Scientific Knowledge

(with Tianrui Mu)

Age-based Career Opportunities and Gender Diversity in Academia

(with Jiangnan Liao)

The Legacy of Socialism and Female Labor Supply in Modernizing Vietnam 

(with Quynh Huynh)

Taxing Labor: Firm R&D, Automation and the Labor Share

(with Uta Schoenberg and Ragnhild Schreiner)

The Virtuous Cycle between Education and Technology

(with Sascha O. Becker and Christian Dustmann) 

The Labor Market Outcomes of Older Workers across the Business Cycle

(with Si Xu) 

Causal Duration Analysis with Diff-in-Diff

(with Ben Deaner)


Competition and Career Advancement 

(with Julian Johnsen and Kjell Salvanes)

Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming (doi: 10.1093/restud/rdad099)

CESifo working paper. UCL Discovery 

A New York Times column based on this paper

Real Exchange Rates and the Earnings of Immigrants

(with Christian Dustmann and Tanya Surovtseva)

The Economic Journal, Vol. 134, Issue 657, January 2024

IZA discussion paper. CESifo working paper

Permanent Residency and Refugee Immigrants' Skill Investment

(with Jacob Arendt and Christian Dustmann)

Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming (doi: 10.1086/726433) 

CReAM discussion paper. IZA discussion paper. CESifo working paper

VoxEU column. Also featured in the European Commission Web Site on Integration

Refugee Migration and the Labor Market: Lessons from 40 Years of Post-arrival Policies in Denmark

(with Jacob Arendt and Christian Dustmann)

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 38, Issue 3, Autumn 2022

CReAM discussion paper. IZA discussion paper. CESifo working paper. UCL Discovery

VoxEU column. Ukrainian Migration Information Hub

Does Minimum Wage Increase Labor Productivity? Evidence from Piece Rate Workers

Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 40 (2), pp. 325-359, April 2022

CReAM discussion paper. IZA discussion paper. UCL Discovery

Do Place-Based Tax Incentives Create Jobs? 

(with Uta Schoenberg and Ragnhild Schreiner)

Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 191, 104105, November 2020 

NBER working paper. UCL Discovery

UCL news. VoxEU column

Is China's Pollution the Culprit for the Choking of South Korea? Evidence from the Asian Dust 

(with Ruixue Jia)

The Economic Journal, Vol. 129 (624), pp. 3154-3188, November 2019 

UCL Discovery

RES media briefings 

The Effect of Wage Subsidies on Piece Rate Workers: Evidence from the Penny Per Pound Program in Florida

Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 139, pp. 122-134, June 2019 

CReAM discussion paper. UCL Discovery

Why Are Single-Sex Schools Successful? 

(with Christian Dustmann and Do Won Kwak)

Labour Economics, Vol. 54, pp. 79-99, October 2018 

CEPR discussion paper. CESifo working paper. UCL Discovery

VoxEU column

The African Slave Trade and the Curious Case of General Polygyny 

(with Lena Edlund)

MPRA Paper 52735, University Library of Munich, Germany, December 2013

Procedural Fairness and the Tolerance for Income Inequality

(with Tim Salmon)

European Economic Review, Vol. 64, pp. 111-128, November 2013

The Incentive Effects of Inequality: An Experimental Investigation 

(with Tim Salmon)

Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 79 (1), pp. 46-70, July 2012

Lingua Franca: The Role of English in International Trade 

(with Asaf Zussman)

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 75 (2), pp. 250-260, August 2010